“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 2:6

Our Programs

We offer programs for all ages!

AMPED Children'sChurch

Preschool through 4th grade meet weekly on Sunday mornings during worship service September through May.   5th through 12th grades meet 2 Sundays each month during worship service September through May.  Watch the Bulletin Announcements posted on our Facebook Page for dates.

Youth Group

5th through 12th grade Tri-Valley students can participate in Youth activities at St Andrews, and in cooperation with other area youth groups.

IGNITE seeks toShare Jesus Christ in a way that students can:


Children’s programs are for grades K-5th. Preschoolers are welcome if accompanied by an adult.
Email the church office for further information: [email protected]

All of our volunteers follow our church’s Safe Sanctuary Policy which includes background checks

2024 Confirmation Class

Classes have started and include members from several area UM Churches.  Day and time will be coordinated among the members of the group.

2023 Confirmation Class Creed

We believe in God the Father, the Almighty who created every living thing in heaven and on earth. God is both seen and unseen.

We believe in Jesus, the only Son of God who died for us to take our sin away. While he was on earth Jesus performed miracles, showed us how to be humble, and spread the Word of God through his disciples. He is now seated at God’s right hand.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, God’s presence with us that we can feel but not see. The Holy Spirit formed the church and is always with us.

We believe that we were created for a purpose. We believe that we should stay close to God by being thankful and humble, serving others whenever possible, remembering the sacrifice Jesus made for us, and trying to do what is right.

5th Quarter - Watch for updates during the Next Football Season.

St. Andrews will once again host the youth of our community after every home football game until 11:00pm. Grades 5-12 enjoy table games, fellowship, and free pizza and snacks. Volunteers are needed (background checks required to be on file in our office). Donations of individual bags of chips, soda, and water as well as financial contributions are welcomed. See Steve Reitz for more information or to volunteer. See Cathy Miller to submit your background check information.


Interested in Volunteering with our Children's and Youth Ministries?